10 Marathons in 10 Days

This challenge all started in 2016 when I witnessed on Facebook a couple of friends Kat and Jonathan complete the challenge. I went along to the final day and although I missed seeing them I did get a little sense of how much they had achieved and how awesome it was. It was probably a few months later I approached my bosses at work with the idea of them sponsoring me to help get this challenge underway. My running at this point was at its lowest point pretty much from when I started running back in 2011. I had trained for a 3:30 marathon and had put in numerous speed and hill sessions and was probably at my fittest I had ever been I had ran what is still my half marathon PB at Dartford 1/2 and managed 1:37:38 that was back in 2015 training was going amazing and as I stepped up at the start line of Brighton marathon 2015 I knew I was in the shape of my life and I had easily ran 20 miles at the average 8 min mile pace needed to get 3:29. I started off fast on purpose and was way ahead of schedule when boom a nose bleed at around 11 miles meant I had to stop completely and sort out the bleed as soon as I did my calves went tight and that was it my 3:30 goal was gone. I still finished in 4:12:57 but I wasn’t happy and really beat myself up about it. This was my downfall I hated running hated training and took a complete back step from running I had lost my mojo. I done other events after this but this was the single thing that in a way made my fall out of love with running. I managed the odd parkrun but hadn’t had proper focus for ages. That changed when I started thinking about the ten marathons in ten days challenge and my bosses agreed to help fund the £350 entrance fee. So here I was a lot heavier than I was and a lot slower but I had signed up and it was the start of an amazing journey one that would have many positive effects on my life.

A few people well quite a few people had doubts I would complete all ten and so did I . Training for it hadn’t been the best we had moved in June and had to do a lot of decorating and although I was getting out running life got in the way. I had managed to do quite a few double marathons in the months leading up to the ten but not as much proper training as I had planned.

Me at the end of my first double marathon so one done on Saturday and another on the Sunday it hurt and I went off way too quick on day 1 but I done it something I was proud of and the 2nd one was also my 25th marathon and Rik at PHOENIX Running Events had kindly given me race number 25 so this epic medal would always and forever have a memory for me. http://www.phoenixrunning.co.uk/?page_id=3301

I had spoken to the event director of SVN Traviss and he had given me advice and was confident I would do it but also offered me the chance to defer it till 2018 I was tempted but I had already begun my fundraising (not too late for a cheeky sponsor all for Demelza children’s hospice in sittingbourne https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=IanPullen10in10&pageUrl=2 ) so it wasn’t an option I was going to one way or another get this done the few simple words on my reply back from Traviss when I told him this were simply GOOD MAN those two words meant more to me than he realised it meant he believed in me and it gave me the extra little boost just when I needed it the most. By the way SVN stands for Saxon Vikings and Norman marathons again great events epic medals and goodie bags and the organisers of the ten in ten http://www.saxon-shore.com/index.html

After doing the double marathon I had managed quite a few long training runs again double days so sat long run followed by Sunday. I had another double marathon booked when Kat Mcvicar strongly suggested I try and do a triple as Phoenix had some more events lined up. I managed to book the Monday off work and decided to listen to the good advice and had booked my first triple. Very glad I took this advice as I did give me a real sense of how hard attempting ten was really going to be getting up on the Monday was hard and before I knew it I was hobbling away from the start line with the prospect of running another 26.2 miles. Surprisingly after about 3-4 miles my legs started working and I got it done. 3 marathons in 3 days BOOM

This was it I felt quite good on the Tuesday going to work which gave me quite a confidence boost. So the training was done albeit not as much as planned but it was time for my last day at work (didn’t plan this to well) I finished work on the Thursday and Day 1 was on the Friday and I hadn’t had time to pack or anything to say I was stressed out when I got home that night was an understatement Louise (aka the wife) helped me pack and calmed my nerves as much as possible and I got some sleep in. So here I was setting off from home early morning to collect my race number which was my name and I very nice message on the front of the envelope

So Lets do this 🙂

I had various people also running on various days which was going to be epic as well I definitely needed the support and I also by then knew some of the other runners

Day 1 – 0830 24th November – Friday – Samphire Hoe – Samphire Hoe Challenge 5:54:09 be fair I am not a huge fan of Samphire Hoe the conditions there can be harsh so I was glad it was day 1 and 2 here. Day 1 I set off slowly on purpose I didn’t want to make my rookie error like on my first double I soaked up the atmosphere and just got around and got the job done I was pumped with nerves and adrenaline so it was good to finish

having finished day one it was now off to find the TIT HOUSE (as it become known as as in ten in ten house) Kat had introduced me to some other runners (some I knew some I didn’t) they were house sharing for the entire event and had one more room going. I decided to go for it as it worked out the same money for 3 days B and B as all 9 nights in the house. This meant I could still travel home if I wanted to. This was to become the best decision I had made I have made some new life long friends and these guys helped me to get through this challenge in more ways than one.

Love u guys

Day 2 – 0830 25th November – Saturday – Samphire Hoe – Fudgeathon – Dave Reid and Chris Preston Marion and Mark Brown – 5:36:55

My club mates at SLGR arrived for day 2 I hadn’t told them about the cheeky hill at Samphire lol but I had convinced Dave Reid to attempt his first ultra it was a cold day but fun was had by all I felt good at the end not the same could be said for Dave (well done mate on getting the ultra done in a cracking time) thanks to everyone that came down to support as well this day is was great to run with you and see the supporters of the club #teamslgr

Day 3 – 0830 26th November – Sunday – Deal – Saxon Shore Marathon/Lucky Dip Challenge – Gary Bignell 5:36:55

It was off to Deal for day 3 this was a flat course along the sea front but it was bitterly cold Gary Bignell arrived and forgotten his gloves luckily I had a spare pair and off we went. I kept with Gary for two laps I think but I knew I didn’t want to keep going too fast nor did I want to hold Gary back he was looking strong so he carried on finishing in a very quick time well done mate. It was also Paul Commons 100th marathon celebrations and the best part of this day was Louise coming down with the little two. I felt good at the end and although it was cold we waited for Paul’s presentation and it was nice to hear what Paul has achieved top bloke.

Louise and little two came back to the house with fish and chips and met everyone and saw my room it was a lovely evening and it was great that they got to meet everyone and see where I was staying

Day 4 – 0830 27th November – Monday – Pegwell Bay – Hugin Challenge SimonHassettphillipa veitch and I hadn’t realised kevan and Lizzie wilkinson 5:17:17

Kay was originally running but sadly had to pull out – It was off to Pegwell Bay for the day and I have run this course before and done the parkrun which is on part of it and although there are some inclines I really like this course. I ran quite a bit with Phillipa and then Simon once he had finished his marathon put some more layers on and came out and went round with me as well. I also in early stages shared some miles with Kevan and Lizzie which was great. I managed to do what would be my 2nd fastest time of the ten 5:17:17 which I was very pleased with as I was now in unknown territory not doing more than a triple and all was good 🙂

Day 5 – 0830 28th November – Tuesday – Margate – Relativity Run – Jonathan Crowle 5:40:40

Day 6 – 0830 29th November – Wednesday – Margate – Soul Cake Day Challenge – Jonathan Crowle 5:47:06

For days 5 and 6 it was down to Margate I’ve decided to combine these as Jonathan was at both (a cheeky I am not doing a marathon but he done a marathon on the first day ;-). When the event director at the race brief says something along the lines of its grey it’s boring it’s wet cold and windy oh and more grey views out to sea get your head down and your headphones on you know your in for a rough ride. It was very cold and the sea to start with was coming over the sea wall. These are the two days I probably struggled with the most, part of the course was ok along the front past dreamland and the arcades along to the shell lady statue and then back towards the aid station but then came the doom all concrete sea wall that seemed to go on forever then turn round at the end and back to complete the loop. My feet suffered on these days just mainly from the concrete and my legs were aching- I should mention that for recovery I was using Epsom Bath salts and deep freeze and was wearing my skins and some nights sleeping in them. I definitely slept in them these two nights and used extra bath salts I think I even popped a couple of nurofen before bed as well. Thanks Jonathan you helped me no end these two days

It was the night of the second day in Margate that Paul got the log fire going it was amazing and I had a couple of beers just sitting here reflecting.

Day 7 – 0830 30th November – Thursday – Ramsgate – St Andrews Day Challenge – Andrew Cornford 5:05:23

Waking up for day 7 I felt quite good it is funny not being at work and doing these marathons you kind of got into a routine and just accepted that in the morning you woke up had breakfast and got ready for the next one. I hadn’t done this course before but knew where it was from when I was younger. Andrew had come down for this one and as we set off it was quick but my legs soon got going and I kept up a few quick laps. We ran the entire laps approx 3 times which considering the elevation in places I was pleased with but I also knew I was slowing down so encouraged Andrew to carry on and he powered ahead unfortunately his back went but he still managed approx 20 miles at a very quick pace (well done mate). As I carried on I realised I was on for a reasonable time myself I also knew that the up and coming events were at a course I had done a few times and it was more likely that I could set my quickest time of the events at Ramsgate. So with my legs feeling ok I powered on I was confident I would do quicker than day 4 then realised I could even maybe go sub 5 – I didn’t quite manage that but 5:05:23 on day 7 was something I was very pleased with and this turned out to be my quickest time.

Day 8 – 0830 1st December – Friday – Ramsgate – Advent Challenge. Emily Booker – 5:45:40

Emily came down for the advent challenge and this day it was very busy the unique advent medal probably had something to do with this. Same course as day 7 and my legs suffered a little probably due to the fact I run my quickest time the day before. I got it done and collected the amazing medal and my advent calendar which I gave to Libby when I got home. A few things got me to this stage one being peanut butter sandwiches I was having them at approx half way along with sweet snacks from the epic aid stations no gels. The other main thing that helped me no end was SOS

I have used this product for some time now since Dave Tyler got me on it I was using it before during and after each event it really does work and kept me hydrated perfectly please have a read of the website and message me for further information. James at SOS also knows how much I believe in it and kindly sent me a big batch to help me through the ten (thank you team SOS) https://sosrehydrate.com

It was the evening of day 8 a few of us decided to go for a stroll and a few beers not too many but it was great to stretch the legs in the evening and we ate more food and had a really nice evening

Day 9 – 0930 2nd December – Saturday – Betteshanger – Fowlmead Challenge Ben Sowden 5:43:56

My long standing running friend Ben was coming along I have shared many miles with Ben and I was pleased to see him and we had a good catch up. We were chatting at the run brief when all of a sudden Traviss announced that he had a nitemare and had had to change the course as a section had been closed which he wasn’t aware of. It was going to be a lot of laps so many I can’t actually remember how many but he was put on the spot and come up trumps. I heard someone advising someone else to remember not to come into the aid station every lap or that will add easily an extra half hour which made a lot of sense. I decided to listen to that advice even though it wasn’t aimed at me. The downside to this new course was A sharp short hill with cobble type stones this did play havoc with my shins. I still got round and the end was in sight. That evening was the first evening I went to bed nervous that my body wasn’t going to have time to recover. I woke up in a sweat thinking it was 6am only to realise it was 2am and a quick toilet stop it was back to sleep and those few extra hours made all the difference.

I decided to cook all remaining food and feast out that evening as well 🙂

Day 10 – 0930 3rd December – Sunday – Betteshanger – Lucky Dip Challenge Jo Conway Jen Robertson 6:11:16

So this was it day 10 had arrived I felt excited but also very nervous it was in touching distance but I still had the task of another 26.2 miles to complete. Jo and Jen had come down for this one and there laughter and positive vibes helped no end. Jen managed half marathon well done and Jo managed to carry on and run an accidental marathon with me it was great to share the last marathon and I still can’t believe she managed it well done. I was hurting and it was slow but I was enjoying this and was feeling emotional and it started to dawn on me my what I was about to achieve. It was towards the latter stages that Jo remembered that Vikki Walsh was drawing her charity raffle so we quickly watched the draw but missed the crucial point but Jo was certain she heard my name mentioned. Before we could rewind it her phone was ringing it was Vikki I had won £500 it was such an amazing feeling I was dancing around telling some of my fellows tits that I had just won £500 and was whoop whooping :-). It made the last few miles go very quickly and before I knew it we were on the last lap coming into the finish. Louise and the little ones were there and then I noticed Simon and Phillipa it was fantastic to see them and so kind of Simon and Phillipa to come down. I collected my medal (lucky dip so finally got the medal I had been after for a while) Rachel gave me a big hug and Traviss congratulated me and told me I had impressed him which coming from him meant a lot. I had done it ten marathons in ten days done 🙂 it felt fantastic just like it felt when I completed my first marathon but ten times better.

I had a few days off work afterwards and I emptied all the goodies out and got some photos and weighed the medals and chocolate earned

I also made it into the local paper and raised over £2000 for Demelza (thank you to everyone that sponsored me)

Some stats

Miles ran/walked – 264.09 (some events were a little longer)

Steps taken – 495,001

Calories burnt- 52,172 that’s 289 pints of larger or 501 two finger kit kats

Total elevation- 14,642 ft

Average time per marathon- 5:39:50

Best time (day 7) 5:05:23

Total weight of medals 3.4 kg

Total weight of chocolate from goodie bags 3.6kg

I also shared quite a few miles with Justin Ellis who I had met on day 2 I believe via Chris thank you mate you helped greatly.

I also need to thank my sponsors Total Sprint, Swift Energy, UPN, Westenhanger castle and SOS thank you for believing in me.

Traviss and Rachel thank you for putting on such amazing events but for also being personal and being friends your kind words and support help not only me but I know for a fact many others.

To the volunteers who stood out in the cold day after day hour after hour you are the real heroes thank you so much.

What can I say my family have been amazing

and one special lady my lovely wife Louise has been my rock in supporting me throughout not only this Challenge but also many other marathons (which now stands at 40 Total) thank you wifey love you lots (please carry on believing in me and supporting me I’ve a few more events coming up 🙂

and thank you to everyone that came and shared some miles everyone that sponsored and everyone that had faith in me and also my lovely TITS the housemates Your all awesome. I hope I have inspired someone to either run their first marathon or sign up for the ten in ten it is seriously one of the best experiences of my life

Now for the next challenge………………

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