Marathons 42,43,44

Having run at cyclopark many times and long training runs along the cycle path it put me off entering the SVN Events that we’re coming up but then I thought it is too local to miss and I am sure I will see many friends which of course I did. I decided the night before once I found out what course it was that I was best off to run there which was 3.3 miles as I knew I wouldn’t want to do an ultra distance but also know I need to get my miles up. This plan worked well as in the end I done a total of 29.6 miles had I realised I would of added a bit on but there wasn’t much gap inbetween me arriving and then starting so this plan worked well. I teamed up with Chris #teamChrian and we run the entire thing together it was along the cycle path up past the cyclopark along nearly up to where the road gets to Sainsbury’s turn around back along past cyclopark and up past the petrol station to the top turn around and back to base camp. Lots of slopes and lots of wind totally against our favour but it was heads down and get the 5 laps done. They ticked away quite quickly and the rocky road went down well. I had an SOS drink before I left Home and decided on my trusty Hokas which suited this course. Not much more to add not a very scenic route but as always the other runners encouraged each other and we were soon on lap 5. Libby and Riley came down with Louise and Libby had great fun stamping her feet shouting at me to run faster daddy lol. Looking forward to Thursday and Fridays events fingers crossed the rain holds off.

A nice medal for this event celebrating Queen music successes

Warm up to the start

Breakfast Race #43

Ironically I woke up late didn’t have time for breakfast just a slice of toast not a great plan but google maps was estimating 1:30 to get to start we left as quickly as possible and got there at 9:15am it started at 9:30am needless to say tomorrow I will leave earlier. Louise very kindly offered to volunteer and kids came along with scooters and iPads so they were kept amused it was weird (in a good way collected my lap bands from the Wife).

At around mile 9 a school boy error negotiating a puddle resulted in one very wet foot and sock not great with a long way still to go and I have a small blister as a result. I done a fairly quick first half 2:11 although I was lapped by Adam Holland on my second lap and the countless laps after he got a all time course record today 2:45:49 for marathon amazing. It was fairly muddy in places and at one stage for 5 mins we had a big downpour but overall weather was quite kind.

After the downpour

I got to around 16 miles and walked a lap with a chap that was shattered although a lap in front of me. My legs started to feel heavy but it was a break from the routine and after the lap we started running and in the end I went off I didn’t want to stop too long. I also managed to get a photo of the boat I will be buying (when I win the lottery) so I can complete all of Riks event and stay overnight and also supply tea and bacon rolls to runners on route it reminds me of batman

Overall today was a great day with great company and encouragement from all I managed 5:24 which I was pleased with but stuck to a marathon distance as the kids were getting bored tomorrow I hope to do an extra lap but will see how I go. Thanks again to Louise and other volunteers and Rik for doing these events nice medal as well now for sleep and ready for tomorrow

It was back to Walton on Thames again today albeit leaving a little earlier infact leaving half hour earlier got me there overall an hour earlier than day before. So a coffee a catch up we’re in order. Rik does a global marathon challenges more info can be found here at

Many people have achieved some great things and this is a cool way of being rewarded for the hard work lots of people had presentations last couple of days well done to you all

The theme of the day was Grease and we were surrounded by pink ladies (I didn’t complain)

It was the same route as the day before and I was determined to do an ultra today. The course was still muddy but in my opinion not as bad as day before and the builders at the pub gave us more room to get past today. I set off hard and fast doing half in approx 2:10 which I was pleased with considering this was day 2 of a double. I felt great till around 16 miles when I started to slow but I am pleased that I managed to run a lot more and kept walk breaks to a minimum. The sun was out all day no rain showers which was great

I had music on pretty much all day which I don’t normally do but it helped a lot today although I did still hear the chinook helicopter as it flew over head and managed to grab a quick photo

I also thought I saw some weird coloured birds yesterday and Louise Large confirmed this in her Facebook post (she kindly allowed me to use the photo) an amazing site not sure what they are called but there are some great sights along the tow path

I got to 2 laps to go and texted the wife she said see how I feel at end of the 8 laps to which I said no i am doing 3 more laps so 9 Total for the ultra I need to decide now or it will be too easy to stop at marathon distance. I am pleased that I pushed on although my back was giving me some grief for some reason. I also got stomach cramps at 27 miles might be all the freddo bars consumed.

I soldiered on and got lap 9 done in just under 6 hours considering I done 5:24 for marathon distance yesterday I was pleased. I also managed to get to marathon distance today about 15 mins quicker that yesterday.

It beat being in the office and I have had a great two days and done in total nearly 58 miles in 6 days thanks (might have to do a 2 mile recovery tomorrow) thanks to the volunteers and to Rik from Phoenix events and Traviss and Rachel from SVN love these events and love the atmosphere between the runners well done everyone and a special well done to those doing all 10 events 💪

I stuck to my Hokas today and my trusty SOS hydration before and after. I also use Epsom bath salts after a marathon and deep freeze does the trick for me with the legs really helps with recovery

I am back at Riks Sunday doing some volunteering so hope to see some of you then

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