Chislehurst Half Marathon

This would be my first half for approx a year. I had managed to get a free entry for this from a kind of competition win. I would treat this as training for up and coming marathons and was quite excited to do a half as I do like this distance

I arrived quite early as parking was limited. I wasn’t aware of anyone I knew that was doing it but quickly spotted Matt and Vicky and then Fred

I had been warned this was a tough half but I was hoping to get in under 2 hours. Waiting for the start I noticed the water that was in biodegradable kinda of pouch personally I wouldn’t eat this but it was easy to pop and squirt the water in your mouth and the good thing being if it is thrown on the floor it won’t be there for years.

(From race page)

Works well with SOS.

The warm up began and we were soon in the starting pen and we were off it was quite a big field which was good but I had looked at the course description and thought wow it looks confusing

The course was 50% road 50% off road which road shoes were fine due to dry weather. It was a nice course albeit hilly (I walked a couple of hills) my legs have been heavy recently due to amount of miles I have put them through of late so it made sense to walk some.

The course was a little strange in places I am sure I went past same marshal 4 times but that said it was quite scenic in places. There were a couple of sections where some cars were coming towards us at silly speeds but in general the marshals done well controlling the cars.

There was a couple of sections in the woods where they could of been signed a bit better as approx 11 miles the field had spread out and a lady in front stopped turned to me and asked which way as we had about 3 choices in end we went way which seemed to make more sense and we then saw the 11 mile sign but we then saw a marshal just after who in all fairness would of been better placed where we nearly went wrong.

All in all I had an enjoyable race and I am very thankful for the entry. I came in around 2:14 so quite a bit over my target time and miles away from my 1:37 PB but once I loose a few pounds and I get some speed training under my belt I am sure I can work towards my PB in stages.

You can view the run here and my strava here

Elevation explains the sore legs

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