Shark Run Marathon 51

I managed to get a Friday off work (Friday the 13th) as I had seen these medals and as Riley loves sharks I had to do one. I would of liked to do all 3 but Louise will be working Saturday and I have decided to volunteer Sunday instead. The events are on a route I hadn’t done before


Redricks Lane



CM21 0RL

The weather was overcast when I was driving down and even when I arrived it didn’t seem too bad. Unfortunately it cleared right before the start and it ending up being very hot (school boy errror no suncream i am feeling it now)

It was a looped course of 3.22 miles so 8 Laps for a marathon. I was nervous as I had gone out Tuesday for a 3 mile run and really struggled having not run since NDR. I done in the end a fairly quick first half around 2:20 but did slow down it just got too hot and I struggled with energy levels.

The course was very scenic with some shade in wooded area which was a relief and it made a change from Walton On Thames, however Phoenix running being Phoenix running there was a bridge well a couple but this one was in my opinion my least favourite

There was a good few boats including a canal boat going up and down through the locks with disabled people a canal boat dedicated to disabled holidays which I thought was fantastic they all looked like they were having a great time.

I did also spot this canal boat a Banksy

It looked very nice

I soldiered on and Kat caught me on my last lap and we had a chat and ended up finishing together (no cheeky sprints at the end)

From above the route looks like it is on an industrial estate which surprised me as I didn’t see any of it. As you can see it was very scenic

I would definitely recommend doing this route and it only took me 45 mins from Swanscombe (near cyclopark) and considering it was a Friday I thought was very good. If you fancy a go you might even get lucky and be able to enter this weekends events. See link at the end of this blog.

Thanks to Rik and the volunteers a great day out even with the heat and the cafe afterwards literally next to the start was very welcoming

Marathon 51 ✅ 6:01:10 so slow but not my slowest and I am please considering the heat and the lack of recent running.

See some of you Sunday

Can’t wait to show Riley this medal it is fab especially the water effect in front of the shark which was difficult to show in a photo

🦈 🏃‍♂️

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