Mini ultra taking total to #55

SVN had decided to put on ten marathons in ten days at the cyclopark. Having run many training miles over the years along the path next to cyclopark it did put me off but I knew I would get along and do at least one of them to support friends taking on the challenge. I decided to go with day 9 as I knew it gets tough on this day (read my experience on ten in ten here )

I knew a few people doing the full ten days some having already completed the challenge before and for others it was new territory. Hilary from slgr was doing ten half marathons in ten days and Justin and Rob were doing ten marathons. On day one they decided to do the extra mile and do ten ultras in ten days.

SVN always put on good events and they came up trumps again and they are also going plastic free so trying to get rid of using lots of throw away plastic cups which is great to see check them out they have another ten in ten in November this year as well

The course was a simple one part off the tarmac path across the rabbit bridge round the cone of doom up towards A2 turn around then downhill towards the cyclopark. 4 Laps for half 8 for full an add on for the ultra then 9 and a bit for 50k option.

I set off fast and wanted to do 50k and attempt to lap Justin and Rob then run the rest with them.

The plan failed and after 3 Laps I slowed and Justin caught me infact I think he caught me just after lap 2. I decided to forget the 50k especially once the rain set in.

I had got up to see them during the week and done a quick lap with them and it has been great to read the progress during the week. It really reminded me of the great time I had doing ten in ten and I am hearing talk of a 20in20 at some point. It really amazes me at what people can achieve which some training and right mind set anything is possible. I have met some great people running and it was nice to go for a meal and introduce Louise to some of my friends

Rob went past me and Justin and finished in an amazing time his other half Managed 50k and I finished with Justine the 27 mile ultra earning myself one of the tank medals. I had a great time and it was great to see so many familiar faces. The volunteers were awesome as always and I even popped back today and run a mile or so with the guys on the final day.

Wear the tee shirt with pride it is one of my favourite tee shirts in my collection

Photo credit Phil Batchelor

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