Marathon 90 at denbies wine estate and £27.99 pair of trail trainers

Having seen some photos and posts about trail shoes I decided I needed to find mine and at least take them with me. I couldn’t find them anywhere so set out to find some new ones but didn’t want to spend loads of money on them being as I don’t use trail trainers very often. Someone was selling a new pair on facebook but was taking ages to respond so off I went on the hunt. I actually found a pair of karrimor (not a fan of the brand) but they only had 8 or 12 in stock. I popped in decathlon and found a couple of options but decided to go into lakeside grab some food and see what I could find.


I remembered a shop inside lakeside weird name and found it deichmann and found some for £27.99 felt quite comfortable so just went for it and paid £2.99 for a protection spray (they place shoes in a machine and blast with this spray that helps waterproof them)

When I arrived at denbies it was evident I made a good choice and trails were a must after one mile my nice new shoes were wrecked. Overall it is silly to do a marathon in new shoes but only picked on a small blister on top of little toe. While my feet stayed completely dry so I think spray did work. Comfort wise they are ok they done the job but if I stepped on big stones I could feel it and while I will at some point get a better pair of trails these done the job perfectly fine and as I won’t know when I will use them again a great money saver. It just proves you don’t always need to spend hundreds of pounds on trainers.

They have got a little trashed but I’ve ordered a boot buddy (update on that soon)

Phoenix running have done fantastic with covid restrictions and social distancing and staggered starts I feel totally Safe at the events and only contact as such is when your given your medal to which is in a sealed bag. No race numbers you write your number on your forearm. I had a fairly early start 7:50am which I prefer to get it done. Each start has up to 6 people all spaced out and once we are set off the next start lines up and sent off 5 mins later. It all works very well thanks Rik for adapting so well and keeping us safe.

I remembered that there is a parkrun at denbies and asking Rik once I finished he explained the course we done was pretty much the same apart from one section at the end we done as we didn’t do field at the start. Now there is no getting away from the fact it is a hilly course with some amazing views

The hills

It was the normal 5k loop lap and 8 making a marathon. As I started it was raining and stayed raining for couple of hours this made it difficult and more muddy

It was pointless trying to avoid some of the mud just embrace it and have fun. That being said it takes its toll on your legs and finish times reflect that quickest being just under sub 4 which I must say is super impressive.

The photo doesn’t do the hill justice it deserves it was a beast

Elevation gain 2700ft overall so a tough course and I must admit I got to lap 5 and was seriously considering stopping my legs were really hurting as I have done a lot of miles last couple of months and with the mud it was sapping my energy and rather stupidly of me I hadn’t brought enough supplies of food so drinking lots of water was only thing keeping me going. I had chat with someone on course who was also struggling a bit as I thought I had took a wrong turn and said I think I might stop. I got back into the aid station and had a word with myself checked in for my lap and headed back out. This was marathon 90 and with lockdown approaching I was getting this done it was only 3 laps and in my head when I am out and on lap 6 even when I have just started it I say to myself just 2 laps left after this one and the last lap is always a victory lap.

The long stretch

For my last lap Laura Watts caught me up and it was her last lap as well (she started later than me so was finishing in around 5:40 a lot quicker than my 6:26 but staggered starts means others catch up etc. We had a nice chat about 20in20 and marathons in general and she didn’t realise but really helped me push on I couldn’t quite manage to stay with her for last mile but it really helped as I was really struggling thanks Laura. I also need to thank Laura for the photos as I forgot to grab my phone for the last lap so the course photos are credit to Laura thank you.

Where have my new trainers gone
The course
Amazing medal

Thanks again Rik at Phoenix running and to the marshals it was not great weather and I really appreciate it and as for the medal it is epic thanks

If you show your medal in the shop in the estate you get 10% discount but if you show them this one they make think your attempting to rob them 🤣

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