Massage Gun & Boot Buddy

Now we are in lockdown number 2 sadly marathon events have had to stop, I must say I have felt safer at these events than any supermarket I have been in due to being outside and socially distanced. I have also seen the effects of the events not being around on people’s mental health.

That being said Cyclopark parkrun that I help to look after have taken on not parkrun read about it here but it is really engaging our local community so check out what your local parkrun is doing

Our little Libby at parkrun last year she misses it as well but we all need to support each other and come together just be finding different means of doing so

I have now found myself stuck on marathon 91 and no clue of when the 100th will be but it will come and I will complete this journey.

That 100 shirt shall be mine yeah baby yeah

So for the time being marathon blogs are on hold but I have a couple of new bits of kit to share

Firstly for my birthday my wife got me a massage gun. A strange looking contraption that until a few weeks ago I hadn’t even heard of. A lady I follow on Instagram posted a video of her using one and I thought what a great idea. It works on various areas of your body (I intend mostly on my tired legs) having starting to do a few more running miles my legs can feel tight. I decided to ask my wife Louise for one for my birthday. Some of them are very expensive and some very cheap. I am pleased to say she went mid range (I haven’t asked the price) I know it is from Amazon and although it doesn’t have a digital display it does have a speed indicator comes in a handy zip holder and has 6 attachments.

The entire kit
Speed settings and what the various attachments are for

I have used it a good few times so far and building up the speed and intensity of it but I am very pleased with it and highly recommend. Very easy to use and work muscles on legs and calves it really does help to ease mine and relax my legs

Slow motion video of the gun in action you can see how it works the muscles and does it’s magic

If you want to know the exact model and cost please PM my wife and she will send you any links she has 🙂


I had booked an event with Phoenix running and hadn’t really had a read of the final race instructions but photos had come in from people running there and it was muddy very muddy so I had to go out and buy cheap pair of trails as I couldn’t find mine (I have since found them so now have two pairs)

Nice and new

After one lap of the event they no longer looked like this and by the end were totally trashed

After the marathon

From past experience putting trainers in washing A machine shrinks them and isn’t great but letting the mud stay on them I have found dries them out and cracks them. Being as I don’t use trails often I want to try and keep them as clean as possible and someone recommended the boot buddy. There was a special offer so decided to order one and wasn’t expecting much but I thought it was worth a try.

Before and after
Amazing easy results

As you can see the results are pretty impressive the brush with flow of water really makes it easy and I was amazed at how clean these came up especially as I had to wait a few days for it to arrive so the mud had dried out by the time I used it.

I would really recommend this simple yet effective solution have a watch of this

There are various offers so keep an eye out

The Great thing about this is you can use it on any footwear and just leave it in the car or in the cupboard add some water and your ready to go

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