Mini ultra taking total to #55

SVN had decided to put on ten marathons in ten days at the cyclopark. Having run many training miles over the years along the path next to cyclopark it did put me off but I knew I would get along and do at least one of them to support friends taking on the challenge. I decided to go with day 9 as I knew it gets tough on this day (read my experience on ten in ten here )

I knew a few people doing the full ten days some having already completed the challenge before and for others it was new territory. Hilary from slgr was doing ten half marathons in ten days and Justin and Rob were doing ten marathons. On day one they decided to do the extra mile and do ten ultras in ten days.

SVN always put on good events and they came up trumps again and they are also going plastic free so trying to get rid of using lots of throw away plastic cups which is great to see check them out they have another ten in ten in November this year as well

The course was a simple one part off the tarmac path across the rabbit bridge round the cone of doom up towards A2 turn around then downhill towards the cyclopark. 4 Laps for half 8 for full an add on for the ultra then 9 and a bit for 50k option.

I set off fast and wanted to do 50k and attempt to lap Justin and Rob then run the rest with them.

The plan failed and after 3 Laps I slowed and Justin caught me infact I think he caught me just after lap 2. I decided to forget the 50k especially once the rain set in.

I had got up to see them during the week and done a quick lap with them and it has been great to read the progress during the week. It really reminded me of the great time I had doing ten in ten and I am hearing talk of a 20in20 at some point. It really amazes me at what people can achieve which some training and right mind set anything is possible. I have met some great people running and it was nice to go for a meal and introduce Louise to some of my friends

Rob went past me and Justin and finished in an amazing time his other half Managed 50k and I finished with Justine the 27 mile ultra earning myself one of the tank medals. I had a great time and it was great to see so many familiar faces. The volunteers were awesome as always and I even popped back today and run a mile or so with the guys on the final day.

Wear the tee shirt with pride it is one of my favourite tee shirts in my collection

Photo credit Phil Batchelor

Show me the money marathons #52 & #54

I have now done 3 Enigma events which are in Milton Keynes (which is why I haven’t done more ) approx hour and half from ours so it all adds time to the overall day. Having said that they are great events based around Caldecotte Lake. Enigma have been going since 2010 based on the results and arrange by Foxy who is well known on the marathon scene. These are small field events but I quite like that and they are Laps the events I have done have all been on Sundays and counter clockwise around the lake 7 and 1/2 Laps.

These photos are from various days so not necessarily the last two events. I have always liked the medal from the show me the money events as it comes in two halves and you earn both by doing different days in this case one in July and one in August.

The July event was a wash out having had lots of sunny days I was unprepared for the heavy rain and had no jacket or cap to keep it out of my eyes. The course is marked out with flour

All straight forward and easy to follow. It is mostly trail type paths which are hard compressed stones but very easy to run on. The views are fantastic but the field does thin out quite quickly so I find myself listening to music more.

This half was from the July event

This half from the August event

This being the completed medal which does look epic.

The August event I went off crazy quick and suffered for it in later stages but my

Overall times for both events were both around 5:40.

Foxy cup for breakfast 🙂

I enjoyed these events they are simple but well organised. The aid station has the basics Jaffa cakes biscuits crisps and nuts as well as plenty of water (in bottles) which is handy to carry although I did drop mine at mile 25 today with no one around I had to try and bend down to pick it up OUCH it hurt but I got it.

Check out other events here I will definitely be doing some more and may look for camping near by and do a double event

The Lake

Today takes my total to 54 marathons / ultras

Shark Run Marathon 51

I managed to get a Friday off work (Friday the 13th) as I had seen these medals and as Riley loves sharks I had to do one. I would of liked to do all 3 but Louise will be working Saturday and I have decided to volunteer Sunday instead. The events are on a route I hadn’t done before


Redricks Lane



CM21 0RL

The weather was overcast when I was driving down and even when I arrived it didn’t seem too bad. Unfortunately it cleared right before the start and it ending up being very hot (school boy errror no suncream i am feeling it now)

It was a looped course of 3.22 miles so 8 Laps for a marathon. I was nervous as I had gone out Tuesday for a 3 mile run and really struggled having not run since NDR. I done in the end a fairly quick first half around 2:20 but did slow down it just got too hot and I struggled with energy levels.

The course was very scenic with some shade in wooded area which was a relief and it made a change from Walton On Thames, however Phoenix running being Phoenix running there was a bridge well a couple but this one was in my opinion my least favourite

There was a good few boats including a canal boat going up and down through the locks with disabled people a canal boat dedicated to disabled holidays which I thought was fantastic they all looked like they were having a great time.

I did also spot this canal boat a Banksy

It looked very nice

I soldiered on and Kat caught me on my last lap and we had a chat and ended up finishing together (no cheeky sprints at the end)

From above the route looks like it is on an industrial estate which surprised me as I didn’t see any of it. As you can see it was very scenic

I would definitely recommend doing this route and it only took me 45 mins from Swanscombe (near cyclopark) and considering it was a Friday I thought was very good. If you fancy a go you might even get lucky and be able to enter this weekends events. See link at the end of this blog.

Thanks to Rik and the volunteers a great day out even with the heat and the cafe afterwards literally next to the start was very welcoming

Marathon 51 ✅ 6:01:10 so slow but not my slowest and I am please considering the heat and the lack of recent running.

See some of you Sunday

Can’t wait to show Riley this medal it is fab especially the water effect in front of the shark which was difficult to show in a photo

🦈 🏃‍♂️

Chislehurst Half Marathon

This would be my first half for approx a year. I had managed to get a free entry for this from a kind of competition win. I would treat this as training for up and coming marathons and was quite excited to do a half as I do like this distance

I arrived quite early as parking was limited. I wasn’t aware of anyone I knew that was doing it but quickly spotted Matt and Vicky and then Fred

I had been warned this was a tough half but I was hoping to get in under 2 hours. Waiting for the start I noticed the water that was in biodegradable kinda of pouch personally I wouldn’t eat this but it was easy to pop and squirt the water in your mouth and the good thing being if it is thrown on the floor it won’t be there for years.

(From race page)

Works well with SOS.

The warm up began and we were soon in the starting pen and we were off it was quite a big field which was good but I had looked at the course description and thought wow it looks confusing

The course was 50% road 50% off road which road shoes were fine due to dry weather. It was a nice course albeit hilly (I walked a couple of hills) my legs have been heavy recently due to amount of miles I have put them through of late so it made sense to walk some.

The course was a little strange in places I am sure I went past same marshal 4 times but that said it was quite scenic in places. There were a couple of sections where some cars were coming towards us at silly speeds but in general the marshals done well controlling the cars.

There was a couple of sections in the woods where they could of been signed a bit better as approx 11 miles the field had spread out and a lady in front stopped turned to me and asked which way as we had about 3 choices in end we went way which seemed to make more sense and we then saw the 11 mile sign but we then saw a marshal just after who in all fairness would of been better placed where we nearly went wrong.

All in all I had an enjoyable race and I am very thankful for the entry. I came in around 2:14 so quite a bit over my target time and miles away from my 1:37 PB but once I loose a few pounds and I get some speed training under my belt I am sure I can work towards my PB in stages.

You can view the run here and my strava here

Elevation explains the sore legs

Fowlmead 50 mile Endurance Run

I had originally booked this as my next challenge after the ten in ten. I had looked at a step up in distance and thought 100 miles would be too much (I ended up doing 100 miles a few weeks ago) A lot of people had said would I still bother with the 50 miler now that it would be a breeze being as I had done 100 miles. Of course I would still do the 50 miles and I knew it wouldn’t be a breeze. My feet are still a little battered from 100 miles so Louise had taped them the night before

This ended up working well I have only one small blister afterwards and it was just below where the tape was so this definitely works for me.

It was an early set off as the race started at 8am and on arrival it was thick fog. I collected my number and set up our picnic feast. I had run with Zoe a couple of weeks ago and we worked well together with similar pace and it’s always nice to run with someone else so after a few messages we decided to start off this event together and also share some food and a table.

The feast

Hayley who was staying in same hotel as Zoe also joined us and all 3 of us started off together. I was nervous but I knew I had 50 miles in me, this was a hard cut off 12 hours as the park shuts at 8pm so you had to of finished by 8pm grab your bits and get out before they locked anyone in. With this in mind we set off quite quickly and figured some time in the bank was a good idea. We ran continually for few laps (each lap was 2 miles so we had 25 laps to do having a card punched each lap)

after a while we decided to do walk run strategy as with these longer distances it get very hard to keep running entirely (although a few do manage it) there were one way markers on the track and arrows so we decided to run from one way sign to the next arrow and then walk one. This worked very well and kept us on good pace. Infact having checked my garmin we done marathon distance in 5:20 which gave us a nice cushion for second half.

We carried on at quite a good pace and the miles were ticking away, the toilets were a bit of a trek of the track so the ladies only made two stops I made one along with a tree stop ;-). We ate well to keep energy going although it was quite hot (infact I have got sunburn panda eyes) so some of the food was a little knackered towards the end.

There was also a marathon distance option and a 12 hour challenge and there was one guy who I will be very interested to see how far he managed as he was powering round constant running pace the entire event very impressive. Chris Chandler completed his 100th marathon today and Adrian Thomas finished his 52 marathons in 52 weeks and it was also Zoe flake marathon her 99th albeit 50 miles :-).

On the ladies 2nd toilet stop I kept going although I walked most of that lap and they eventually caught me up. Zoe had started playing some music on her phone which was good although where she got the energy to dance and jump around I will never know.

Hayley was suffering with her IT band and my feet were just very sore I could still run but it was hurting so with two laps to go Zoe pulled away and me and Hayley ended up marching the last 4 miles Home. It was around 11:40 so 20 mins to spare but I and also the ladies had made it 51 miles so pretty pleased with that. There was an older guy behind and he didn’t think he would make the cut off quite gutted for him as I watched him finish in around 11:50 he managed 48 miles but didn’t have enough time to go out on last lap but he still gets classed as a 12 hour finisher and gets medal etc just unfortunately didn’t get the 50 mile medal.

I had picked up one of Adrian’s cool cakes before the end

So cool and it tasted amazing.

Well done to everyone who got round today it was a strange one cold to start then very hot then cold again. I am pleased to have finished another challenge and looking forward to many more

Groovy Baby

This event was put on by Phoenix running and a different location to the normal Walton on Thames path which I thought would make a change. It was at ASHLYNS SCHOOL Hertfordshire.

We had managed to get a sitter (thanks Aggie and Barry) so Louise was volunteering today. We arrived at the wrong entrance and had to swing back round meaning we arrived with only about 20 mins to spare so I had to be quick. I was very impressed with the school the buildings were quite something. Having looked around I noticed most people had trail shoes on so I opted for mine. I don’t like mine as lack of cushioning and they are a little tighter than I would like and they aren’t very waterproof. That all said I set off on what would become a challenging event. The course was a little strange to start with but after a couple of laps it made sense but it was basically around the outskirts of the School field. 8 laps was for a marathon and as Louise was helping out I figured I would aim for 9 laps. After lap 2 I decided there was no chance of that it was quite slippery and muddy and my legs didn’t want to play today.

The course from my garmin.

I managed to run a couple of laps with a chap that was running for 4 mins and walking for 1. This actually helped and I stuck with him for couple of laps till he decided to stop at 4 laps so a half marathon. I soldiered on alone at a slow pace and more walking was being done than running but I was moving.

There was one or two paths this was bouncy alley basically part of the playground that everyone ended up running over giving you a little bounce as you went.

I did enjoy today although I am not going to lie I did struggle infact I was an hour slower than last week but another one day so that’s 47 now YEAH BABY

A fantastic medal that you can actually wear or change around to hang around your neck (I am leaving it like this)

Check out Phoenix running here and a big thanks to Rik and the volunteers especially my wifey Louise 🙂

RAF 100 Challenge – marathon Num 46

Having worked out that I could potentially do my 50th marathon at Phoenix explorer I needed to get another one in and what better way than to do that with SVN and join Jon Ward for his 100th marathon on a very fitting day being as he is in the RAF. I met Jon while doing ten in ten marathons and he done all ten in I believe sub 3:30 he is a machine an incredible runner who has raised a lot of money in completing his 100 marathons well done Jon a fantastic achievement

For me the route was a familiar one being around the outskirts of the cyclopark track and I knew it would be quite challenging with the slopes on each loop. Each loop was 5.25 miles so 5 laps for a marathon and 6 for a 50k which was my plan at the start. I saw many running friends at the start and it was great to have a quick catch up and being as I live 3 miles away it was a easy driver there (not so easy back lol). We had the race brief and then we were off

I found myself running with Zoe, Lisa and Cat (woods) and we all got into a good pace and were happily chatting along. Me and Zoe gradually started pulling away and we kept a similar pace and it was my first time running an entire event with her from start to finish. She kept me going and I was thankful for the company. It was my first event since the 100 miler and my legs felt ok probably till around 21 miles and then I started to struggle. I decided then to stick with a marathon and not be silly and try for the extra lap. Louise arrived about 3 hours in with a rather special cake which was gone with in one lap luckily Gemma saved me a slice and Gemma had also done me my own cheese and marmite straws which are epic

These went down a treat and the cake was a big hit, peanut butter which was very moist and gooey

For the last lap were we joined by a gentleman that has recently started his own events check them out here

Zoe managed to keep me going and although a few walk run parts were creeping in she kept dragging me along and I am thankful for that or I would of easily just walked more

We got near the end and she sprinted off up the hill to the finish no idea how and not sure if she managed a sub 5 but it was close well done and thanks Zoe.

All in all a great morning out with great friends massive thanks to Louise for bringing the kids and for the epic cake and big thanks to Traviss Rachel and the volunteers thank you.

A great medal awaited us at the finish

Can you spot the tank

Viking 100 Mile Endurance Run

After completing 10 marathons in 10 days finishing early December 2017 I had always knew I would need to have another challenge to look forward to. I had looked at the 100 miler and decided it was a big step and and couldn’t really afford it. I decided to go with the Fowlmead 50 mile event in April 2018. It seemed the natural next step. So how did I come to do 100 miles in the end I hear you ask well a little while after the ten in ten and after I booked the 50, I got a pleasant message from Theresa Massey she had decided to pass her place onto me. I couldn’t (well still can’t) believe she done this it was such a nice thing to do and she believed that I could do it (no pressure then 😂) I spoke to Louise (the Wife) before saying yes and she agreed I should give it a go. I messaged Theresa back and the the next thing I knew I was an entrant to a 100 mile endurance run. Having done ten in ten it was a good base to start with but still 100 miles is a long way and in fact only today someone at worked joked that they get tired driving 100 miles let alone running. I knew I would need to do some back to back runs etc but still hadn’t a clue where to start. A few messages to Traviss and a look at his website.

I found some great advice here and even just now I have noticed a section on taping up feet (wish I read that one).

I hadn’t taped my feet and wish I had above photo is during 20in20 but taping can help prevent blisters

The training I had managed was ok but not great a few ultra distances and few double marathons and a few double training runs and a few just single long day runs. Ideally I would of done a lot more but various things didn’t allow it. Then we had the snow and work got busier and it wasn’t possible to run on a lot of pathways so I ended up not running for couple of weeks before the event which wasn’t great and made me quite nervous.

So with that all said coming into race week I knew of one or two things, number one I couldn’t do anymore training wise than I had done it was pointless cramming in extra miles here and there what was done was done I may as well rest and number two I could control getting my stuff packed ready earlier and carb loading. So I made sure I packed my stuff ready by weds this was good for me as the ten in ten I didn’t pack till late Thursday night before the events started on the Friday silly mistake and highly stressful so at least I was packed and good to go for this one and needed the entire boot of louise’s car for this lot

Food wise I learnt a lot but I took more than I would need but it was nice knowing I had a good selection and more than enough to last especially as the SVN events are always well stocked anyway. I took things like pot noodles, custard, chocolate, red bull , porridge, pancakes, and these drinks called Ensure which Traviss had mentioned these were great as are like a meal in a shake 300 odd calories in these and chocolate one tastes quite nice.

Race day

Well I say race but for me this would not be a race well only against the clock to make sure I got this done in the 32 hour cut off I didn’t want to get to 96 miles and not finish in time giving myself a DNF. I had the option to drop down to the 24hr challenge event as long as I done so by 8am Sunday morning. We set off at 6am to arrive for 7am giving me an hour to set up collect my number and chill out a bit before the start. Louise dropped me off there was no way I could drive afterwards so she kindly dropped me off came back Saturday evening then back again Sunday to collect me.

All the runners set up in the barn it was great to know all kit and food etc would be dry (one less thing to worry about) it was dark in here but we noticed some lights over head and these came on in the evening so it made a great base point.

I was getting nervous and I knew once I got to 40 miles I was in complete unknown territory would I cope physically and mentally oh well I guess I was about to find out, the Bell was rung and it was time for the race brief then we stood there for couple of minutes waiting for 8am when the 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 came and boom this was it a 100 miles to go

And we’re off

Louise and the little ones waved me off and they then drove round and waited around the corner to see me go off in the distance. Being as I didn’t want to go off too quick I started nearly at the back and my legs felt ok but then for few miles felt heavy which was a worry but after a few more miles they settled in. I decided to walk the hills from early on it was pointless using so much energy running up hills that after a few laps would feel even worse. Talking of laps this would be 16 laps of 6.25 loops so from early on I thought I would try and just count laps and not focus on the miles as this was mind blowing. It became apparent early on that a section was very muddy and I quickly realised that this would get worse with the amount of people going across it especially as we had other challenges starting after us the 6 hour and 24 hours

However this part was at the end of the loop and then turn around and go back so then near the start of next loop and overall only about 5% of each loop. I brought trials but decided to keep with my Hoka as my trails haven’t got any cushioning really and bear in mind rest of loop was concrete or firm trail it would make more sense to just crawl across the mud rather than risk battering my feet on trail trainers.

I hadn’t managed to get to the moonlight challenge a few weeks earlier which in some ways I was glad of at least the course would be new but then maybe it would of been an advantage to see the course who knows.

The loop went from the barn across the mud and then off near the Thanet way and through a farm where the brewery was which I must admit if it had been open during the day I would of definitely stopped for a swift half at least. However when I went past it during the later stages there was no way I could of stomached an ale

At approx just under half way of the loop there was a magnificent sight one every runner dreams of Jelly baby station. These guys were awesome not only keeping us supplied with coke,water jelly babies but also bacon and sausage rolls at one point and endless well dones which made a huge difference thank you :-).

I saw Kelly at jelly baby station and had a quick chat and a selfie. I had also shared a few miles with Ross on course who was doing 24 hour challenge.

Sharing something funny with Somei (MCL)

I made half way in around 13 hours once I got this far I knew I had to get this done.

The night section was always going to be tough and I realised I hadn’t up till this point listened to any music which was kind of liberating and it was nice to keep to my thoughts and clear the mind. I had been thinking of my Mum being it was coming into Sunday which was Mother’s Day and I really felt she was looking over me during the night. Louise arrived before the night section with some new socks and she helped me get changed I wouldn’t of been able to do it alone. I had a chat some food and felt so much better that she had taped my toes and got me in fresh clothes it set me up well for the night and I found my pace increase and more running was being done. I leaned Big lessons about my feet for 100 miles taping them up from the off is definitely the way to go I suffered with blisters which with the rain and mud was a given.

Now the mud was getting very bad it was hard to plot a route through it in the dark and at one point I was going up Hill literally sliding backwards and I was swearing out loud and was getting to point of having enough. It was at this point in the shadows by the gate I noticed some friendly faces and it was Karen who uttered the words don’t worry mate this is the last time your going via the mud the course has been changed wow what a relief although this did mean each lap was shorter so after 16 laps I had to go out and do another 4 ish miles I didn’t care at least we didn’t have to slip and slide which was actually hurting and I pulled my groin at one point.

I still didn’t listen to music just carried on with my own thoughts and I spent quite a lot of time alone during the night which I didn’t mind too much. Lee Edwards had come down the day before and was coming back in the morning it was great to share some miles and have a catch up. Hilary also came down and we shared some miles. I had got to about 80 miles and so far felt ok I mean I was hurting but I was still moving and running although a lot less.

The last 20 miles were to be all about mental strength it was a case of one foot in front of the other and get it done it wasn’t pretty and when I got to 15 miles to go it was a death march I couldn’t run another step and had to try and power walk the best I could.

The barn where more and more people were finishing.

I got to the barn and had one full lap and my little lap to do when Rachel saw me and said Ian you have so got this I am so confident you have got this I am getting your tee shirt and buckle ready for you. I had a great smile but then realised I still had about 9 miles to do. Louise arrived and saw me in the final loop but I was now really struggling the thought of going out and doing 4 more miles was making me want to quit but I had come so far I was getting this done. I shouted at Louise to get me a coffee I needed sugar and something warm my food had declined the last few miles which I again learned massive things. She ran ahead but couldn’t find my cup I couldn’t stop if I did I really think I would of collapsed I shouted at her I CANT STOP please catch me up. I got my card punched turned around and marched out even managing a gentle shuffle in no way a run but it was a close as I could manage. A lady volunteer had grabbed the coffee off Louise and ran and caught me up the hill and passed me the coffee wow I enjoyed that coffee thank you so much to the lady (whom I tracked down and thanked).

So this was it 4 ish miles and the slowest and longest miles of my life I was exhausted I got to the turn round point and slowly made my way to the finish. I phoned ahead to Louise she met me at the Hill and had to hold me up I was done in. We marched to the finish and I had done it I felt very emotional and very tired. Riley I think it was rang the bell and I was a 100 mile finisher 28:50:48 I was bursting inside and Rachel gave me a big hug and presented me my awesome finishers shirt

And Traviss shook my hand and presented me with my first 100 mile finisher buckle which is just as awesome

Louise helped me to the car and I just sat back and closed my eyes and snoozed for half hour on way back. Getting out the car and in the bath I couldn’t of done alone Louise had to help me I then had food and went to bed, I thought I would sleep well but was tossing and turning and was awake at 5am which happened for a few days infact I went back to work on the Tuesday and came over very weird and had to go home early I couldn’t think straight and felt so tired. Luckily my bosses were understanding and I went home had couple hours snooze after more food and felt much better. My blisters have calmed down and as I type this a week later I am walking normal and feel fine. This was an amazing experience and I want to thank Theresa for making it possible and my wife Louise for looking after me and supporting me in these crazy events SVN and helpers for putting on these awesome events and my fellow runners we all supported each other I couldn’t of done it without everyone’s support.

First Finisher was The amazing Robert Treadwell in an incredible 17:37:07

89 people started the 100 miles 53 finished which a 59% finish rate is lower than normal which I am sure was down to the conditions.

Full results can be found here

Now I have the next challenge of the original 50 miler I signed up for 🙂

Powered by SOS Rehydration

Marathons 42,43,44

Having run at cyclopark many times and long training runs along the cycle path it put me off entering the SVN Events that we’re coming up but then I thought it is too local to miss and I am sure I will see many friends which of course I did. I decided the night before once I found out what course it was that I was best off to run there which was 3.3 miles as I knew I wouldn’t want to do an ultra distance but also know I need to get my miles up. This plan worked well as in the end I done a total of 29.6 miles had I realised I would of added a bit on but there wasn’t much gap inbetween me arriving and then starting so this plan worked well. I teamed up with Chris #teamChrian and we run the entire thing together it was along the cycle path up past the cyclopark along nearly up to where the road gets to Sainsbury’s turn around back along past cyclopark and up past the petrol station to the top turn around and back to base camp. Lots of slopes and lots of wind totally against our favour but it was heads down and get the 5 laps done. They ticked away quite quickly and the rocky road went down well. I had an SOS drink before I left Home and decided on my trusty Hokas which suited this course. Not much more to add not a very scenic route but as always the other runners encouraged each other and we were soon on lap 5. Libby and Riley came down with Louise and Libby had great fun stamping her feet shouting at me to run faster daddy lol. Looking forward to Thursday and Fridays events fingers crossed the rain holds off.

A nice medal for this event celebrating Queen music successes

Warm up to the start

Breakfast Race #43

Ironically I woke up late didn’t have time for breakfast just a slice of toast not a great plan but google maps was estimating 1:30 to get to start we left as quickly as possible and got there at 9:15am it started at 9:30am needless to say tomorrow I will leave earlier. Louise very kindly offered to volunteer and kids came along with scooters and iPads so they were kept amused it was weird (in a good way collected my lap bands from the Wife).

At around mile 9 a school boy error negotiating a puddle resulted in one very wet foot and sock not great with a long way still to go and I have a small blister as a result. I done a fairly quick first half 2:11 although I was lapped by Adam Holland on my second lap and the countless laps after he got a all time course record today 2:45:49 for marathon amazing. It was fairly muddy in places and at one stage for 5 mins we had a big downpour but overall weather was quite kind.

After the downpour

I got to around 16 miles and walked a lap with a chap that was shattered although a lap in front of me. My legs started to feel heavy but it was a break from the routine and after the lap we started running and in the end I went off I didn’t want to stop too long. I also managed to get a photo of the boat I will be buying (when I win the lottery) so I can complete all of Riks event and stay overnight and also supply tea and bacon rolls to runners on route it reminds me of batman

Overall today was a great day with great company and encouragement from all I managed 5:24 which I was pleased with but stuck to a marathon distance as the kids were getting bored tomorrow I hope to do an extra lap but will see how I go. Thanks again to Louise and other volunteers and Rik for doing these events nice medal as well now for sleep and ready for tomorrow

It was back to Walton on Thames again today albeit leaving a little earlier infact leaving half hour earlier got me there overall an hour earlier than day before. So a coffee a catch up we’re in order. Rik does a global marathon challenges more info can be found here at

Many people have achieved some great things and this is a cool way of being rewarded for the hard work lots of people had presentations last couple of days well done to you all

The theme of the day was Grease and we were surrounded by pink ladies (I didn’t complain)

It was the same route as the day before and I was determined to do an ultra today. The course was still muddy but in my opinion not as bad as day before and the builders at the pub gave us more room to get past today. I set off hard and fast doing half in approx 2:10 which I was pleased with considering this was day 2 of a double. I felt great till around 16 miles when I started to slow but I am pleased that I managed to run a lot more and kept walk breaks to a minimum. The sun was out all day no rain showers which was great

I had music on pretty much all day which I don’t normally do but it helped a lot today although I did still hear the chinook helicopter as it flew over head and managed to grab a quick photo

I also thought I saw some weird coloured birds yesterday and Louise Large confirmed this in her Facebook post (she kindly allowed me to use the photo) an amazing site not sure what they are called but there are some great sights along the tow path

I got to 2 laps to go and texted the wife she said see how I feel at end of the 8 laps to which I said no i am doing 3 more laps so 9 Total for the ultra I need to decide now or it will be too easy to stop at marathon distance. I am pleased that I pushed on although my back was giving me some grief for some reason. I also got stomach cramps at 27 miles might be all the freddo bars consumed.

I soldiered on and got lap 9 done in just under 6 hours considering I done 5:24 for marathon distance yesterday I was pleased. I also managed to get to marathon distance today about 15 mins quicker that yesterday.

It beat being in the office and I have had a great two days and done in total nearly 58 miles in 6 days thanks (might have to do a 2 mile recovery tomorrow) thanks to the volunteers and to Rik from Phoenix events and Traviss and Rachel from SVN love these events and love the atmosphere between the runners well done everyone and a special well done to those doing all 10 events 💪

I stuck to my Hokas today and my trusty SOS hydration before and after. I also use Epsom bath salts after a marathon and deep freeze does the trick for me with the legs really helps with recovery

I am back at Riks Sunday doing some volunteering so hope to see some of you then

Rachel’s Ranscombe

I had entered this in the week coming up to the event I needed to get some miles in and was missing the SVN crew and being as Ranscombe is 20 mins up the road it made sense.

The days before the event it became clear the weather was going to be challenging and I knew the route would be just as challenging infact according to my strava 2998ft elevation

I met up with Kay (fellow SLGR member) and bumped into a few friendly faces and had a catch up. Parking here is pants I decided to park down the road 5-10min walk. As soon as I arrived to collect my number I knew we were in for some fun (see above photo you can see the mud)

It was time for Traviss motivational speech and then we were off I stayed with Kay for the first lap it was crazy just slipping and sliding in the mud we got round it took about an hour but we didn’t fall. Kay decided to do the one lap her calf was playing up and it really wasn’t worth risking it on this terrain well done.

Lap 2 I done a quick Facebook live

It really was bad and once I started lap 3 I was even thinking of stopping it really took it out of me and running in most parts was getting harder and harder.

I decided to carry on and once I had done lap 4 there was no way I was stopping. I had hoped for an ultra but there was just no way I was eating loads (my peanut butter sandwiches didn’t even touch the sides) but I was lacking in energy so just stuck to the walk/run stay upright technique.

I think it was the end of lap 4 that I came into the aid station as the volunteers tucked into there McDonald’s wow it smelt amazing but I stuck to the rocky road and minstrels (they were epic) The course had spread out somewhat and some sections were quite lonely but I got my head down and cracked on.

The snow put in an appearance which wasn’t too bad but then it just rained and by the end I was cold wet and had literally had enough the last 3-4 miles were extremely tough and I nearly stacked it a few times.

I am glad I carried on and managed to finish marathon distance I collected my medal and was also awarded my little Saxon dude for completing 10 marathons with SVN I suspect I might be close to earning 25 soon will check later.

So marathon 41 done probably my slowest ever but I am looking at it as I got my money’s worth (no goodie bag photo it’s been demolished)

Results are in definitely my slowest ever but when 1st place for marathon distance was 4:39 it makes me feel a little better

See here for some more SVN events that are coming up some local ones as well